Acupuncture at Very Well
About acupuncture
Millennia-old wisdom meets cutting-edge medical science.
The Very Well difference
You can get good acupuncture anywhere. Here’s how to get great acupuncture: partner with a board-certified acu doc who will help empower you get to the next level in your life.
Who we help
We don’t just treat the symptom – we treat the person with the symptom. That person could be you.
About our staff
Meet the people who will be focused on your needs at Very Well.
Conditions we treat
Acupuncture is a complete system of medicine that reduces pain, stress, and other symptoms – and helps the entire body and mind feel better overall. Here are some specific conditions we treat.
Acupuncture styles offered
What styles of acupuncture do we offer at Very Well? We custom design your treatment plan to match your goals.
Frequently asked questions
Want to know even more about acupuncture? We’ve got you covered with this list of questions that come up from time to time.
How to prepare for acupuncture
What should you wear? Should you eat first? Here’s what you need to do to get the most out of your acupuncture sessions.
Use your health insurance
Here’s how to use your participating health plan to pay for your acupuncture treatment. No coverage? That’s fine, too! We accept all major credit cards.
Acupuncture and pain
What’s going on in your body when you have pain, and how acupuncture can help.
Acupuncture and mood
Acupuncture is uniquely suited to help with emotional issues – and not just because “it’s all in your head.”
It’s evidence based
What styles of acupuncture do we offer at Very Well? We custom design your treatment plan to match your goals.
What it’s like
What happens in an acupuncture appointment? We take great care to make it as relaxing, comfortable, and effective as possible!
What to expect afterward
Natural healing isn’t like taking a prescription pill. Acupuncture is a therapy that helps you feel better immediately and heal your whole self over time.
“My daily energy is better. I’m experiencing hope for the first time in over five years that I can beat this thing without extensive, invasive surgery.”
Contact us.
(410) 865-9935 (call 9a to 5p, weekdays)
Very Well
at The Village of Cross Keys
2 Hamill Rd.
The Quad, Suite 311
Baltimore, MD 21210
Visit us.
Very Well
at The Village of Cross Keys
2 Hamill Rd.
The Quad, Suite 311
Baltimore, MD 21210
(410) 865-9935 (call 9a to 5p, weekdays)
Wellness for Baltimore.
Baltimore is known for the high quality of its health care, and acupuncture at Very Well is a part of that tradition. In 2021, we were voted “Best Acupuncturist” in the Baltimore Sun Baltimore’s Best Readers’ Poll. Tucked in a quiet corner of the Village of Cross Keys, our office is easily accessible by car and public transportation from all of Baltimore City, Baltimore County (including nearby Towson), and the surrounding region. Abundant parking. Near to shops, dining, parks, hiking trails… you can make a day of it!.