How to Prepare for Your Acupuncture Appointment
For an appointment that runs smoothly and provides you the most benefit, please observe the following guidelines:
If you are unavoidably delayed and will miss the scheduled starting time of your appointment, please email drdavid@getverywell.com or call (410) 864-9935 with as much notice as possible. (Please do not text!) If you are more than 10 minutes late, you most likely will not be able to be seen.
Kindly provide at least 24 hours notice if you must miss your appointment. Unfortunately, we will charge the full cash fee for missed appointments or those that are canceled without sufficient notice. (Health insurance does not pay for missed appointments.) Please click here to read the cancellation policy.
For your first appointment, please make sure you have filled out your new patient paperwork. You can find a link to the forms in your confirmation email. Yes, it is extensive, but is also invaluable! If you would like to pay by insurance, please make sure we have received your plan information at least 48 hours in advance.
It is very important that you wear clothes that are loose enough to adjust for access to acupuncture points along your arms and legs, abdomen, and back. A good rule of thumb is if your sleeves can roll up past your elbows and your pants legs can roll up past your knees. If a point is not accessible, you will be provided with a sheet or gown for covering so you can get undressed. At no time will you be exposed any more than necessary to give you the best treatment.
For the best results, please have eaten a light or moderate amount in advance of your treatment, but, if possible, do not arrive with a very full stomach or having recently consumed caffeine, alcohol, or other mind-altering substances.
Please do not wear any perfumes, colognes, or scented body products. These will interfere with your diagnosis and potentially aggravate the conditions of sensitive patients.
“I have been thrilled with the treatments I have received…. It is astounding to think of how far I have come since that first appointment. Not only am I noticing how good I feel, friends and family members have commented on it.”
Contact us.
(410) 865-9935 (call 9a to 5p, weekdays)
Very Well
at The Village of Cross Keys
2 Hamill Rd.
The Quad, Suite 311
Baltimore, MD 21210
Visit us.
Very Well
at The Village of Cross Keys
2 Hamill Rd.
The Quad, Suite 311
Baltimore, MD 21210
(410) 865-9935 (call between 9a and 5p, weekdays)
Wellness for Baltimore.
Baltimore is known for the high quality of its health care, and acupuncture at Very Well is a part of that tradition. In 2021, we were voted “Best Acupuncturist” in the Baltimore Sun Baltimore’s Best Readers’ Poll. Tucked in a quiet corner of the Village of Cross Keys, our office is easily accessible by car and public transportation from all of Baltimore City, Baltimore County (including nearby Towson), and the surrounding region. Abundant parking. Near to shops, dining, parks, hiking trails… you can make a day of it!.