Contact Us
You may schedule your appointment online, and we’re always happy to do that for you or answer questions about acupuncture at Very Well.
(Scroll down for phone and location information.)
Visit us.
Very Well
at The Village of Cross Keys
2 Hamill Rd.
The Quad, Suite 311
Baltimore, MD 21210
(410) 865-9935 (call between 9a and 5p, weekdays)
Wellness for Baltimore.
Baltimore is known for the high quality of its health care, and acupuncture at Very Well is a part of that tradition. In 2021, we were voted “Best Acupuncturist” in the Baltimore Sun Baltimore’s Best Readers’ Poll. Tucked in a quiet corner of the Village of Cross Keys, our office is easily accessible by car and public transportation from all of Baltimore City, Baltimore County (including nearby Towson), and the surrounding region. Abundant parking. Near to shops, dining, parks, hiking trails… you can make a day of it!.