About Acupuncture
With origins that go further back than 1600 BC, acupuncture is the oldest continuously practiced medical system, and it is used today by a large percentage of the world’s population as primary care. While the practice is based on ancient Chinese observations of the movement of life, it has evolved into a powerful medicine that can get results for many modern conditions.
The practice of acupuncture involves inserting micro-needles into precisely mapped points on the body to cause biochemical changes that ease pain, emotional symptoms, and issues with body systems, such as digestion and fertility. This may be done in a “traditional” style or with the additional application of modern equipment, such as electro-stimulation, to achieve orthopedic or enhanced effects. Acupuncture treatments may also include herbal medicine and other related interventions.
The website Evidence-Based Acupuncture lists dozens of studies showing the efficacy of acupuncture – including in cases of anxiety, chronic low back pain, headaches, arthritis, allergies, nausea, and more – and includes downloadable summaries of the clinical trials and systemic reviews.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has endorsed acupuncture to aid in the treatment of many conditions. In this country, the United States Military, the Veterans Administration, and Medicare also endorse and/or provide acupuncture treatments, as do many private health insurance companies, hospital groups, professional sports teams, corporations, rehabilitation centers, and other organizations that have analyzed the high effectiveness vs. relatively low cost of this medical intervention. In the opioid crisis, even more attention has been paid to the success rate of acupuncture for managing chronic pain conditions. This has led to more media coverage that has manufactured doubt and controversy around the validity of acupuncture, largely by featuring interviews with professionals who know nothing about it.
Click here to read more about acupuncture in our Frequently Asked Questions.
“David is an exceptionally skilled acupuncturist and by far the best I have encountered in the field.”
Contact us.
(410) 865-9935 (call 9a to 5p, weekdays)
Very Well
at The Village of Cross Keys
2 Hamill Rd.
The Quad, Suite 311
Baltimore, MD 21210
Visit us.
Very Well
at The Village of Cross Keys
2 Hamill Rd.
The Quad, Suite 311
Baltimore, MD 21210
(410) 865-9935 (call between 9a and 5p, weekdays)
Wellness for Baltimore.
Baltimore is known for the high quality of its health care, and acupuncture at Very Well is a part of that tradition. In 2021, we were voted “Best Acupuncturist” in the Baltimore Sun Baltimore’s Best Readers’ Poll. Tucked in a quiet corner of the Village of Cross Keys, our office is easily accessible by car and public transportation from all of Baltimore City, Baltimore County (including nearby Towson), and the surrounding region. Abundant parking. Near to shops, dining, parks, hiking trails… you can make a day of it!.